Wednesday, December 26, 2012


As we are approaching the end of this series on praise and worship, there are remaining two questions that I promised to answer and this marks the last but one session of our lesson before we wind up.
  1. How powerful is worship?
  2. How do I begin my journey as a truthful worshiper?
The power of worship
In worship, it is important that we seek God other than just the experience of worship. It is when we are made whole again. When we get to encounter our creator, the reverence of God, worshiping Him in His presence. When we worship in spirit and truth, we experience the true manifestation of God Himself in our lives.

We read from Ex 40:34-35

"Then the cloud covered the Tent of Meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. 35 Moses could not enter the Tent of Meeting because the cloud had settled upon it, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.NIV

When we worship God in spirit and truth, worshiping Him from deep inside our hearts, He ministers unto us, His presence fills and covers us.

How do I begin my journey as a truthful worshiper?
This is very important and as children of God, we ought to know this. Since we worship God for who He is, it is important that we should seek to know God more. When the creation encounters the creator, the best thing to do is worship, bow down before Him! The more you know God, the more you advance your worship to God. 

Worship is all about God, who God is. So it is a wise thing to get to know God more in our lives and God says in Jeremiah 29:13
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." NIV If we need to worship in spirit, we need the Holy Spirit to guide us through. If we seek God, we will find Him.
This marks the end of the second major part of this sermon, one important part remaining, THE ROLE OF MUSIC IN PRAISE AND WORSHIP so do not plan to miss that... 

                             TO BE CONTINUED.....

Tuesday, December 25, 2012








Fredy E. Chavala
President-Chavala Ideas Platform
+255 -(713/753)- 883 797 

Sunday, December 16, 2012



(Qualities of honor of a Christian Servant especially Christian Artist (Celebrity))

Ninayo heshima kubwa sana kwenu na kwa Mungu na moyo wangu umejaa shukrani mno, ahsante kwa kupata muda wa kujifunza na kuyatafakari yale yafaayo kutafakariwa!

Mara ya Mwisho nilijenga tu msingi wa makala hii na nikasema 

Kipaji mtu hupewa na Bwana lakini maboresho ya kipaji huletwa na juhudi ya mwenye kipaji, yaani namaanisha huwezi kung’aa katika kipaji chako kama hujaweka juhudi za kutosha katika kipaji hicho, hivyo zifuatazo ni hatua za msingi kwa mtu yeyote;


Sasa leo natamani nizungumze kidogo kuhusu;

                               a.     KUJITAMBUA
Kujitambua ni ile hali ya kujifahamu na kujijua vema zaidi ya maelezo ya kinywa chako. Kujitambua ni hatua ya kujua nini asili au chanzo chako, nini sababu ya kuwepo kwako, upi ulazima wa uwepo wako sasa na nini tofauti yako na watu wengine waishio sasa, nini kusudi la maisha yako na zaidi ni nini hatma yako katika maisha haya.
Watu wengi wanashindwa kujitambua kwasababu huwa wanashindwa kuelewa asili yao tangu hapo awali, sikiliza; Nadharia za sayansi na magunduzi yote ya Ulimwengu yatakupa majibu nadharia tu ambayo kamwe hayawezi kukupa majibu sahihi kuwa wewe nio nani?
Wewe ni zaidi Jina lako na mwili wako na akili yako....ndio maana mtu ukimuuliza jina lako nani atakwambia CHAVALA, na ukiuliza CHAVALA ni jina la nani atakwambia ni jina langu, ukiuliza huo mwili ni wa nani? atakwambia ni wangu,sasa unajiuliza wewe ni nani? Atakwambia mimi ni mimi mwenyewe, na ukitaka kuthibitisha hili, ni pale ambapo Mtu akifariki huwa yunasema  "Mwili wa Marehemu utasafirishwa au kuzikwa kesho" sasa hapo unagundua kuwa Kuna mtu anamiliki mwili na ndio marehemu, kwahiyo wewe ni zaidi ya hivi tukuonavyo kwa nje.
maandiko yanasema katika Mwanzo 1:26, Mungu akaupulizia Udongo pumzi ya UHAI nae akawa NAFSI HAI


Mwili ni kasha linalobeba Roho(Pumzi ya Mungu) iliyombatana na Nafsi(Serikali ya Mtu) na hivyo kwa pamoja ndio unapatikana MTU.
Wewe haukuzaliwa kwasababu BABA na MAMA yako walikutana ama kuoana, ila kwasababu ULITAKIWA KUJA Ilibidi kwa namna yeyote ile wakutane tu ili wewe upitie mlango huo kama Mungu alivyopanga.
Kwahiyo kila siku tembea ukijua ulikuja kwa KUSUDI MAALUM na kusudi hilo likiisha utarudi pumzikoni,tayari kwa hukumu au malipo ya kazi uliyokuwa umetumwa kuifanya, na dio maana ninasisitiza kujitambua ili ufanye kazi sawasawa na kusudi la Mungu maishani mwako na usije ukaishia kuishi makusudi ya watu wengine.
Wewe ni Hekalu la Mungu, hivyo kama ukikubali kuishi kusudi la Mungu basi lazima utayafurahia sana maisha yako mpaka mwisho...watu wengi wanapata shida na kuhangaika sana kwasababu wako nje ya makusudi walioitiwa na Mungu.

"Thamani yako haina uhusiano na mahali unapokaa,watu wanaokuzunguka,marafiki ulionao,elimu uliyonayo ama chochote kile kinachohusiana na wewe, bali thamani yako ni juu wa wewe mwenyewe(jinsi wewe ulivyo)"
Watu wengi wanajisumbua sana na kutafuta thamani zao kupitia vitu mbalimbali na hii kwa kiingereza tunaita "IDENTITY CRISIS"
Mtu anafikiri akiwa Dar ana thamani kuliko wa Kigoma, au akiwa na Degree 3 basi yeye ni zaidi ya asiyejua kusoma na kuandika, au ukiwa unafahamiana na Rais basi wewe ni zaidi ya mwingine ama labda ukioa mtoto wa Tajiri basi na wewe thamani yhako inapanda,hapana!....THAMANI YAKO IKO KATIKA KUSUDI NA HATMA YA MAISHA YAKO!!
Ukijua thamani ya kipaji chako wala huwezi kuhangaika,mimi nakushauri uishi maisha yako na ujikubali kabisa kuwa Mungu kwa wakati wake atakufikisha mahali pa juu zaidi ya hapo hata kama hapatafanana na mahali pa yule mwingine!!

N.B; katika maisha haya haupaswi kushindana na yeyote yule, kwasababu hakuna hata mmoja aliye kipimio cha mafanikio yako, wewe ni mshindani wa wewe mwenyewe, unapaswa kuchamotishwa na ile taswira ya wewe uionayo hapo mbeleni, ukitaka uwe kama kila umuonaye utakufa siku sio zako...yaani ni kama vile mnaamka asubuhi kwenda STAND ili msafiri na kila mmoja kati yenu anaenda njia yake, sasa kuwahi au kuchelewa kwa yeyote kati yenu kunamuathirije yeyote kati yenu hali kila mmoja anapanda usafiri wake???


Ongeza juhudi kujifunza kuhusu wewe mwenyewe ili ujue lile kusudi la Mungu maishani mwako ni lipi na ujue majira ya kila hatua katika kusudi hilo la Mungu, zaidi utajua ni wapi unahitajika kwa sasa, nani uambatane nae na nini ukiseme kwa nani, maana ni muhimu sana!!

"Ni hatari sana watu wakikutambua kabla ya wewe kujitambua, maana hutaweza kusimama imara, kwani kila wakati utakuwa unaishi sawasawa na maoni yao na sio uhalisia wako"


King Chavala
+255 713 883 797


Friday, December 14, 2012


Shalom ndugu msomaji!

Katika mada hii ningependa kuzungumzia maswala mazima ya mtazamo hasi wa watu waliookoka kuhusu urembo kwa ujumla. 

Urembo ninaozungumzia hapa ni pamoja na ubunifu wa mavazi, kushiriki mashindano ya urembo, kuwa mwanamitindo na kutangaza biashara za makampuni mbalimbali. 

 Watu wengi waliookoka wamekuwa wakipoteza fursa mbalimbali wanazopata katika fani hizi kutokana na mtazamo hasi walio nao kuhusiana na fani hizi. Wengine imewapelekea kuwakataza watoto wao, au ndugu zao kushiriki kwa kudai kwanba kazi hizo ni dhambi na ni mambo ya kidunia. Hii inatokana na baadhi ya walioko katika fani hizi kuwa na tabia ambazo hazimpendezi Mungu na wamekuwa sio mfano mzuri wa kuigwa kwa jamii. Sababu hizi zimewafanya wengi waliookoka kukumbatia fani zai na wengine kushindwa kushiriki katika fani hizi japokuwa sifa za kushiriki wanazo. 

Tukumbuke kuwa mtu mmoja aliyeokoka anawekaubadilisha mtazamo hasi uliopo na kufanyika kama kioo kwa jamii inayomzunguka kupitia fani hizi. Ubunifu wa mavazi: katika fani hii inasikitisha kuona mtu ameokoka na anauzoefu wa muda mrefu wa kushona na kubuni styles za mavazi lakini maisha yake ni duni na hana maendeleo wakati fursa za kushiriki katika maonyesho mbalimbali anazo lakini anaogopa na kudai hayo ni mambo ya kidunia. Akasahau kwamba kushiriki kwake kungempa kufahamika zaidi na kumpa wateja wengi na soko la kazi zake lingekua na kupato chake kingeongezeka. 

 Kushiriki mashindano ya urembo: Kama mtu uliyeokoka unaweza kushiriki mashindano haya na ikampa Mungu utukufu na pia ukafanyika kama chombo cha kuwafikishia wokovu watu wengi wakiwiwemo watu maarufu. Kwa njia hii pia utakuwa na nafasi nzuri ya kuisaidia jamii inayokuzunguka na ukawa mfano mzuri wa kuigwa. Na pia kupitia wewe wengi watajifunza mambo mengi mazuri yakiwemo kumcha Mungu na kufanya yanayompendeza Mungu.


Here are Top 10 Traits Of A Real Man!!!

Shalom my readers!!!

I am so excited today to share with all men, what it takes to be a real man!!
This is very important to all people, women have to know so that somehow somewhere can help but my main concern is every man!!!
“A real man makes decisions and lives with the consequences” 

To build a great house, you need a strong foundation upon which to assemble all the other pretty things. To build a great man, you also need a solid foundation upon which to add all the other little things that set the real men apart from the stronzos. Let's not piss around, the stuff inside matters most.

Trait No. 1: A real man is strong

A real man doesn't cry, doesn't moan, doesn't complain, doesn't get sick, and doesn't need to go to the doctor every time he sneezes. A real man makes decisions and lives with the consequences. A real man accepts responsibility for his actions and his words. A real man is firm. If life is a rat, a real man will slap it and move on.

A real man is macho. A real man is tough. A real man doesn't show emotions. A real man is 
the backbone of his family and doesn't have time to be weak. If spiders scare you, you'll never be a real man.

Trait No. 2: A real man is focused

A real man knows the difference between what's important and what isn't. A real man doesn't waste time on stupidities that don't bring him any profit. Sure, there are things you can do as a hobby -- I like to shoot ducks -- but it must have a purpose. The purpose of my hobby is to improve my aim, and I don't have to tell you whether or not that's a useful thing in my line of work.

A real man focuses on power, money and family. He doesn't focus on sex. Sex comes as a result of having power, money and a wife.

Trait No. 3: A real man knows the importance of family

A real man will keep his family strong and pass on his ancestors' history and traditions. A real man knows that his children are God's gift and should be treated as such, even if he disciplines them from time to time.

A real man must also remember his other Family, his organization. In my world, both my family and my Family hold the same importance; I protect them both with all my might. If you have a Family, don't forget where your loyalties lie and who has your back when you need it.

Trait No. 4: A real man doesn't gossip

A real man follows omerta; he keeps his mouth shut. He shelters information and rations his words. A real man does not reveal more than he has to and doesn't engage in girlie talk about others. A real man doesn't discuss things he doesn't know about or people he has never met.

Trait No. 5: A real man's word is his bond

When a real man makes a promise, he keeps it. If he can't keep a promise, he doesn't give his word. A real man would rather die than break his word. A real man knows that his words are as powerful as his actions, and that they must be taken at face value. That is why he rations them (see above).

Trait No. 6: A real man strives to be a role model

A real man respects himself and others at all times, unless, of course, he has been disrespected. A real man sets an example for his disciples, and especially for his children. I never bring my work home, so my children only know me as their father and not as a waste management executive. You should do the same; a real man sets the tone for his children and keeps them from discovering that he has weaknesses.

Trait No. 7: A real man makes his own fortune

A real man doesn't settle for handouts or charity when it comes to his personal fortune. A real man isn't satisfied with papa's money. He spits on Lady Luck and decides his own destiny. A real man who inherits goods from his forefathers takes his inheritance and turns it into 10 times what it was.

Trait No. 8: A real man doesn't look like a woman

A real man doesn't have piercings and long hair, and he doesn't shave his chest. Manicures, however, are acceptable. Massages from female attendants are also tolerated. A real man knows that, outside of his barber, all his personal hygiene needs must be taken care of by a woman.

A real man has at least three suits (with a mandatory pinstriped one) that cost more than a roomful of escorts. A real man wears a suit/Smart at least three times a week. Any man who doesn't know how to tie a tie should hand in his class immediately.

Trait No. 9: A real man keeps his house in order

Have you ever been inside the boss’ house? There ain’t no pizza boxes sitting around, there ain’t no undershirts on the floor, and there sure as hell ain’t no unpaid bills being used as beer coasters. No ruler can rule over a territory if he isn’t already the master of his own home.

This means you lazy pinheads out there need to stop using machismo as an excuse to live like a bottom-feeder; keep your sty spotless, keep your documents in order and -- listen up on this one -- clean your freaking suits.

Trait No. 10: A real man can defend himself

You know what’s missing in the world today? Leaders who have had to fight their way to the top. No joking, look at the head of any business that’s circling the toilet bowl, and I’ll show you a boss whose parents' power and money kept him from ever learning things the hard way.

Every successful capo has been on the wrong end of a beatdown -- be it with words or be it with a set of A. Testonis. But those future capos got up again and again, until they knew how to stand their ground -- and that, my students, is when you can start to climb the ladder.




TIPS>>Wife's Role In A Christian Marriage(1)

Crucial to any family's success is the wife's role in a Christian marriage
A good God-fearing woman is the glue that holds the family together. First and foremost a help "mate," or suitable for a husband, a godly wife is a woman of faith, virtue, intelligence and beauty. A virtuous woman is not ignorant or slothful, but an enterprising leader, using time, talent and abilities for the good of the family and community. The role she plays is also a pivotal one between the father and the children; and at times requires the gift of mediation to help facilitate communication and good will, especially with adolescents. A godly wife is a good steward over the family resources, shows kindness to the poor, and possesses such Christian qualities and character to bring honor to God and to a husband. Proverbs, Chapter 31 perfectly describes the wife's role in a Christian marriage: "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life" (Proverbs 31:1-12). 
A virtuous woman's goal, then, is to live life above reproach to win the husband's trust. The chaste conversation of a godly woman becomes an example of virtue, purity and holiness bringing honor to the husband.

Incorporated in the wife's role in a Christian marriage is not only the ability to properly manage the household, but primarily to minister to her own husband. A wife has the God-given power to make or break a man. By understanding a man's need for intimacy and acceptance, a godly wife can help the husband become all that God intended for him to be. Christian women need not be concerned about infidelity when the effort is made to love, honor, obey and cherish their mates. Keeping the home fires burning is part of a wife's role, and should not be a duty but a distinct pleasure. "Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency" (I Corinthians 7:1-5). 

As women of integrity, many females fulfill the wife's role in a Christian marriage not only by meeting the needs of the husband and family, but by also extending charity to the poor and performing good deeds. In so doing, the godly Christian wife brings honor to the husband, possibly a leader in the community or in the church. Part of good stewardship is tithing, giving a tenth to the Church; and offerings for the work of Christian ministry at home and abroad. The wife's role in a Christian marriage which extends beyond the homefront might include volunteering to deliver meals to the sick and shut in, helping the elderly, or accompanying the family on mission trips abroad. In any case, the godly married woman sees a need and makes a sincere effort to meet it whenever possible. 

Women married to ministers or laypersons should always live an exemplary life and not bring shame upon their husbands, but honor. Because of a lifestyle that is chaste, holy, and pure, the wife's role in a Christian marriage is a witness not only to the community at large but also to the family and spouse. Godly women lead by being an example of the believer in word and in deed. The wife's responsibility is to teach a daughter and other young women how to be a godly wives, while demonstrating to young men the proper way to earn respect and submit to the husband's authority. The wife's role in a Christian marriage includes teaching others by example. " But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine: That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience. The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed" 

(Titus 2:1-5). 

Lastly, the wife's role in a Christian marriage is to display Christ-like attributes and the fruit of the Spirit that emanate both natural and spiritual beauty, to the glory of God. The virtuous wife possesses love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. Because she fears, or reverences the Lord, the godly wife is able to excel in virtue above other women, so much so that works of honor, humility, and true holiness earn a reputation in the church and at home. "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity" (I Timothy 4:12).


"How The Lord Changed My Life"

I was raised in a catholic home. My parents would take my sister and I every Sunday. I would pay attention but I would always come out of there confused. The fact that I need to confess my sin to a guy, that was just not right to me. As we got older my parents decide to stop going to church for a while and it ended up we going on special occasions like for Christmas and Easter.
By that time I was in public school in middle school. I was never a bad child that did drug or start fight. But I did get caught up with the people that did these thing. And my attitude started to change with my parents and my family. I started to skip school, not to do my work. I was just like a follower basically. In 7th grade my parents started realizing the change in my additive and my grades.
So then my parents decided to put me in Calusa and that’s how I got here. When I first came to this school I was the angryest child ever. I didn’t like the fact that the school was to small that I didn’t have my friends. I didn’t even like my classmate in my class.
Little by little Calusa started to grow on me, I changed my attitude because that wasn’t going to get far at all in this school. I would always be so confused when we would have chapel. Doc would always do the hand movement of the paper and god forgives our sin. That’s a great demostration by the way.
I remember I trusted god as my Savaoir the last day before we went to Christmas break when doc sai the storty of the girl of boy that died. At first I was like to see a changed in my life in seconds yeah that didn’t happen. But I would go online and look up information I wanted to know and ask them in your bible classes. After a while I saw a huge change in my life with everything. And it was all because this school and there strong faith in god that made me come to the lord. Words can’t explain how greatful I am.
By: Lilliana

Praise in the City...Dar to JESUS!!


Thursday, December 13, 2012


It has been ten weeks now since the day we started a series of this lesson on Praise and Worship! It has been a wonderful time for me personally and I have learnt a lot.

Today we are going to cover the two questions
  1. Where should worship God? and
  2. What God wants the most, worship or a worshiper?
We have churches and there are times when we go to places have concerts of praise and worship, we go fellowships and other areas.
I can say that, worship depends on the heart of the worshiper, from the heart of the worshiper is where we get true worship.

We read from John 4:21
"Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.

We worship God in His presence! It does not matter where but in His presence. We are supposed to walk in God's presence. God created us in a way that He wants us to live in His presence in each and every moment of our lives, not to meet Him only at church or at a certain place but He wants us to walk with Him. That is why worship is an attitude of the heart. God expects our worship to come from the inside out.

Saying that, does not really mean that we should not have local churches because the bible tells us from the book of Hebrews chapter 10 verse 25  "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another — and all the more as you see the Day approaching." NIV

When we come to the next question, that is what God wants the most, worship or a worshiper? If we get back to the gospel of John chapter 4 verse 23

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.NIV

God is concerned more about the worshiper, He wants us to be true worshipers. If He wanted more of worship other than the worshiper, then He could be pleased even with the false worshipers. But God is more concerned about our relationship with Him. He wants to be God to us, our God.

If you read from the book of Isaiah 29 verse 13 it says
 "The Lord says:

"These people come near to me with their mouth
and honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
Their worship of me
is made up only of rules taught by men."

God is not pleased with just mere worship, He wants us to be close to Him, Praise God!!
We should seek to get closer to God and not just offering worship as some kind of a routine.

                                       TO BE CONTINUED.....!!! 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Dr. Myles Munroe: The Kingdom of God and Leadership

Dr. Myles Munroe’s book, “Rediscovering the Kingdom” has helped open the eyes of countless Christians to the Kingdom message. Because of his writings the Kingdom of God is again in the minds and hearts of believers world wide.

Dr. Munroe is founder, president and senior pastor of Bahamas Faith Ministries International, an all-encompassing network of ministries headquartered in Nassau, Bahamas. He is recognized as a leader in spiritual government and has been honored by natural governments. The Queen of England and the Governor General of the Bahamas have both recognized his service to the islands.

With a strong commitment to transforming followers into leaders, Dr. Munroe is addressing one of the greatest challenges in the Body of Christ. His latest book release “The Spirit of Leadership” is consistent with his mission to help believers discover their purpose, potential and leadership.

The Voice magazine sat down with Dr. Munroe to talk about the Kingdom of God, how Jesus is raising up leaders in developing nations to spread the Gospel, and strategies for breaking down barriers within the Body of Christ.

THE VOICE: The Spirit of God is speaking to His leaders about the Kingdom in this time and season. What is God saying to you about the restoration of the Kingdom of God?

DR. MUNROE: We’re finally getting to the original message, the original assignment, and the original goal of God. It has always been the restoration of His Kingdom on earth. It is the only message Jesus preached that we can verify. God is restoring the original message of the Bible. This is very significant. It’s important to note that Jesus placed the end of the age on the condition that the message of the Kingdom is preached into all the world.

I went to college and have a degree in theology, but there was not one class on the Kingdom. I read the four Gospels and it was the only thing that Jesus preached. That was a very strange contradiction to me. The Spirit of God has been speaking about the Kingdom for years, but we are finally listening and that’s exciting to me. We will see the true impact of the Kingdom if we keep preaching it.

THE VOICE: Many believe the Church is going to enter into a time of greater manifestations of the power of God in the years to come. What will it take to see the return of greater miracles, signs and wonders at the hands of the believers?

DR. MUNROE: Kingdom teaching. What we call signs and wonders and miracles are simply the evidence of the presence of another government – the Kingdom. A kingdom is not a religion. It’s the influence of a government over a domain or a territory. It’s the impact of a king over a territory. That’s why it’s called a “king-dom” – a king’s domain.

So miracles, signs and wonders are not for entertainment. Miracles are not supposed to be used as a point of attracting believers to big meetings. Miracles, signs and wonders are supposed to show that another government, another authority, another power, another Kingdom is present. The more we preach the Kingdom, I guarantee you the more we will see miracles taking place; I mean on a daily basis. Just like any government impacts the land over which it rules, so will the Kingdom of God impact the world when we begin to appropriate its authority and power. That’s what Jesus did.

THE VOICE: Is there a need for more spiritual fathers in the local church; are there enough?

DR. MUNROE: I believe there’s a great need for spiritual fathers. That’s one of the greatest lacks we have in the Body of Christ.

That is why there is so much immorality, unethical behavior and corruption. Families are disintegrating, divorce is skyrocketing, rebellion is in the Church, and congregations are splitting. I am certain this is the result of a lack of fathering. We have many great preachers, fantastic singers, awesome teachers but very few fathers. Fathers are difficult to find because fathering has more to do with care than with charisma. It has more to do with responsibility than with performance. It has more to do with leadership, accountability and love than with fame, exposure and glory. Fathering requires a commitment to nurturing and developing others rather than using and benefiting from others.

In the Body of Christ lately there seems to be a tremendous pursuit of titles. It’s amazing that everyone wants a title but no one wants the title of father. They are pursuing the titles of bishops and apostles and prophets and evangelists, but how come no one desires to be a father? We are in dire need of spiritual fathers. We have very few people who are willing to lay their lives down for the sake of the development of other people.

THE VOICE: What’s it going to take for the eyes of those who should be spiritual fathers to open and step into that role? Where’s the disconnect?

DR. MUNROE: Many leaders today have not been properly fathered. My hope is that there will be fathers who will be strong enough in character to rebuke and correct and to restore some sanity to the people who are in leadership positions who have not been fathered.

THE VOICE: You prefer to teach rather than preach and this approach to ministry has obviously been well received by the masses. Why do you think this method is so effective?

DR. MUNROE: Because that’s what Jesus did. In my humble view, the difference between preaching and teaching is very important. To preach means to declare, to pronounce or to announce. To teach means to train and instruct for change. Preaching doesn’t change people. Preaching may attract, give information, alert people, even convict people, but teaching brings understanding and you cannot change until you understand. You cannot grow until you have information. That’s why Jesus taught. Jesus never preached to the disciples. He preached to the multitudes, but He taught His disciples. He announced the Kingdom to the multitudes but He taught the Kingdom to His disciples.

THE VOICE: As the founder of the International Third World Leaders Association, you have a unique perspective on the issues in these countries. What are the biggest challenges to spreading the Gospel in developing nations?

Dr. Myles Munroe preaching...
DR. MUNROE: The only ones that can reach these people are the people themselves. I believe that the greatest way to win the third world is to win the third world people first and let them go back into their own culture and into their own environment and share the Gospel. One of the greatest obstacles is the misconception of who Jesus is. Many third world people I work with have a concept of Christ that comes from what religion calls Christianity. In many ways Christianity has misrepresented Christ in a very terrible way. I’m talking about hundreds of years of history that has really damaged the image of Jesus. Many of these people don’t want to hear about Christianity.

Secondly, in many of these countries there are very strong cultic religions, and those religions have also twisted the concept that people have of Christ. We need to correct that. Thirdly, in many of those countries there is a misconception of God and the reason why Christ came to earth. We have misrepresented and almost made Jesus Christ synonymous with democracy. That’s dangerous because Christ is a King, not a president.

Finally, poverty and corruption are major issues in many of these countries because of poor leadership that was a product of oppression. People have been dispossessed. They have been raped of their dignity, their self-concept, self-worth and self-respect. Christianity is not enough as a religion. These people need restoration of self-concept and in many cases the religion of Christianity does not provide these answers. Many times it can provide the religion but it doesn’t provide restoration of the quality of life that people need to have to believe in themselves. So these are some of the issues that we need to look at in the 21st century and I hope the Church will take another look at what makes effective missions.

THE VOICE: How do you see the role of third world countries in spreading the Gospel around the world?

DR. MUNROE: I am convinced that the last world on earth is the third world; that God has now turned His face toward them. I am convinced that the greatest spiritual movement on earth is about to emerge and it will not emerge from the first world or the second world. It will emerge from the third world. It has already begun. I am a part of it. I represent them. The largest churches that exist today and the massive growing emerging ministries are in developing countries.

I believe that God is going to transfer the responsibilities for winning the world in this century to the third world people. Also keep in mind that the largest segment of the world’s population is in third world countries. So it is very natural for the Lord by His wisdom to move among those people to win their own people. If the second and first worlds are wise, they will begin to learn from the third world and find out what’s going on and not to try to impose their brand of Christianity on the third world because it will not and cannot work.

God is raising up people without anyone’s permission. He is calling them. He is anointing them without anyone’s sanction and the greatest leaders in the world to come will be third world leaders used of God. They are going to be products of their culture and God is going to use them to impact the world. And my prayer is that the second, first and third world believers will cooperate and not compete with each other and see the world won for Jesus.

THE VOICE: What have been the benefits of networking with other ministries?

DR. MUNROE: No one man can win the whole world but all men together under Christ can win the world. God will never place His program in the hands of any one person or one ministry. He’s too smart for that. But He will make it necessary for all of us to have a piece of everything and that’s why we need one another. One of the weaknesses of the Church in history is the spirit of exclusivity and isolation. That’s why denominations were developed. One move of God thought that it was the move of God and so they began to believe that previous or future moves could not be moves of God. This is very sad. The world seems to be wiser than us because it realizes it has strength and it has weakness and that’s why you have what they call merging companies. Some of the most successful companies in history are those that merged with other strong companies. The Church needs to learn that lesson and begin to network.

Networking is first understanding your strengths and weaknesses, appreciating the strengths of another and then joining your weakness to that person’s strength so that you can be stronger. We will not make it in this 21st century without networking. Networking requires, first of all maturity, secondly, the ability to submit to another man’s strength. Without those two added elements we remain prideful and weak.

THE VOICE: How can we break down the barriers between races and cultures in the Body of Christ?

DR. MUNROE: We have to reduce ourselves from every race to one race – and that is the human race. As long as we consider race beyond human race there will be racism. We need to get a revelation of what it means to be human. Racism and bigotry is not only related to pigmentation of skin. It can also be related to differences of opinions or differences of methods. We can be a racist between denominations and belief systems.

The source of racism is low self-esteem, low self-worth and a poor self-concept. Once you realize how valuable you are as a human and recognize that everybody else is also made in the same image as you are, then equality is an automatic result. The greatest command in the law is the secret to destroying racism and that is to love God with all your heart, your soul, and your strength. Then love yourself and love your neighbor to the same degree that you love yourself. Until you love yourself, racism will always be present.

Racism is a sign of self-hatred. I don’t care if you speak in tongues. I don’t care how many miracles you work. If you have problems with people who are different from you, then you are still suffering from self-hatred. If you discover and really understand God and love what God is and who God is, then you’ll naturally love yourself because you are made in His image. It’s impossible for you to love God and hate your brother.

THE VOICE: One of your key messages is “everyone is born for a God-given purpose and potential to fill that purpose.” How do you see the apostolic and prophetic ascension gifts helping believers recognize and walk out their purpose?

Dr. Myles Munroe alter call prayer...
DR. MUNROE: The Apostle Paul said Christ gave to the Church some gifts, some functions. They are apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to train the saints for the work of their ministry. That word “ministry” means to exercise their gifts. So the goal of all leadership is to help people under their care to first discover their purpose (the word “purpose” means original intent) and then help them develop the character and skill to execute that assignment. Then the Body will never suffer weakness because each one will bring to the table their gift, their strength. Purpose is the discovery of your reason for existing. Without purpose life is an experiment.

THE VOICE: Many believe there is a restoration of arts coming to the Church. You are a talented concert pianist, master of the guitar and worship leader. What do you perceive God is doing in the realm of arts and music in this hour?

DR. MUNROE: I think God is reclaiming everything, and rightfully so. He paid for it. Everything belongs to God. Sometimes we believe there is devil music or devil dance. There’s no such thing in Scripture. What we have is a thief who stole it and corrupted it. We need to repossess it and then convert it back to its original use: to show forth the nature and glory of God. THE VOICE: What do you see as the biggest challenges facing the Body of Christ today and what must we do to address these issues?

DR. MUNROE: The Church is becoming impressed with itself. We seem to be preoccupied with promoting ourselves to ourselves. There seems to be such a clutch for self-promotion, self-labeling, self-advertisement, and self-possession. That is very dangerous because the commission God gave the Church is not to promote itself but to reach the world. Also, the world is being given a very distorted picture of the true message of the Kingdom.

Right now religion is the number one problem in the world and we know that all the terrorism that we are experiencing and the fear is mostly motivated by religion. Jesus Christ did not bring a religion into the world. He bought a Kingdom. The world doesn’t need another religion. It doesn’t need traditions and rituals. The world needs a practical application of principles and precepts that will impact their daily lives. Jesus said blessed are those who are poor spiritually for to them belong, not a religion, but the Kingdom of heaven. Only the Kingdom satisfies spiritual hunger – not religion.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012





Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Why do we worship?
This question gives us our this week focus on this lesson of worship. There are somethings in life that just happen spontaneously without involving our thinking. This  occurs most of the times when we are born or raised in a certain, to a point that we do not take time purposely to ask ourselves why do we do what we do!

Different people worship God for different reasons. Some do worship because it is a part of being a Christian, others because they are used to that, there are others also who worship God just because some other people do so they also want to look spiritual. 
I want us to take a look at the biblical perspectives upon answering this questions "why do we worship?"

The basic answer to this is, we worship God for who He is! He is a mighty God! Our eternal destiny depends on our worship of the true living God. And that is why God does not want us to worship other gods.
 Exodus 20:4-6 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand [ generations] of those who love me and keep my commandments.NIV
And God is a jealous God, we belong to Him and therefore we should worship only Him.

It is up to us to take this as a challenge and may God help us so that as we worship, it should really come from the inside out of us. We should take a step further in worship.

                            TO BE CONTINUED.......

Thursday, November 29, 2012




There are youth/people who do not feel right or morally clean to have friends of the opposite sex or even to be to be in their company. They actually feel guilty about this! Some feel this way because they haven’t been taught about the blessing of God of having friends who should be as brothers or sisters to them. But some feel not right to have such friends because they have been taught the opposite, that it is wrong and sinful, and that it is lustful, dangerous and immoral to be a friend with the opposite sex. 

When such youth find themselves in the middle of a company of opposite sex, they become totally uneasy and they really get disturbed, psychologically and spiritually. Yaani you can find them, even praying for themselves or to even to the extent of rebuking and casting away devils or evil spirits of  immorality, whom may not be there, (I have seen these people and I have talked to them, as they were seeking/finding help).

Some of these people, when they are shown normal friendly interest they think the other person wants her/him as a lover or they think the other person wants her/him for marriage!  This is a problem, especially in the church! And also in schools and families where teenagers do not mix up much.  Listen! Men/boys are not there just to be husbands to you.  Women/girls are not their just to be wives to you.  Friendship and sexuality was not made only sex, marriage and for baring children. Friendship is God’s plan and purpose for many reasons. Friendship is God’s work and design. Friendship is psychological and spiritually healthy.

Did you ask yourself why you matured at the age of 14 or 12? This is approximately 15 years before an average African marriage age. Have you ever asked yourself why these “second growth characters” (Biological changes) didn’t come on us a year before each one’s marriage. It could have been a better signal for one to start thinking of marriage.  It could really be a good help for us, not to trouble ourselves, thinking of life partners, before these signs come! But why did God have to bring these body changes which result in “attraction” between opposite sex, 15 years (approximately) before your marriage?

I once asked God that question, when those “disturbances” were hitting me, and the Holy Spirit, our teacher, helped me to understand that, physical maturity can happen quickly, (one year is enough) but mental, psychological and spiritual maturity takes time. The Holy Spirit asked me this question; “If the world needs something like 20 years to prepare good doctors, engineers, lawyers, accountants, etc, from primary school to professions, how much time does God need to prepare a good husband, wife, father or mother, spiritually and mentally?”

The future adulthood life has soo many demands and challenges.  One needs to be adequately equipped, trained and prepared to handle all such life challenges.  I believe, that’s why God had to bring the experience of friendship many years before, so that through the spiritual ministry and friendly experiences, one can be adequately prepared, with a good foundation to carry the entire load and the pressures of the adult and parental life. That’s why God invented friendship. Friendship is God’s plan, that’s what Paul is advising his “son” Pastor Timothy, on how to handle “girls” in the church. He told him, “Treat men as young brothers… and young women as sisters, with absolute purity” (1Tim 5:2).

Notice this, Paul did not say that, he should treat girls in faith as “cats and rats” but as sister, and not as enemies or ‘danger zone’. He didn’t say “separate your self from them”. But Apostle Paul was trying to say (paraphrasing) ‘Pastor Tim, your relationship with girls in the church, should be of a brother and a sister in absolute purity and holy and perfect”.  That’s God’s plan and God’s will for us. He wants to see boys and girls live in perfect godly love, with pure and honest friendship between them as a brother and sister in Christ.

Casual friends, weather same sex or opposite sex, are very helpful and good. It is a gift from God “Every good and perfect gift comes from above, from the father of lights” (James 1:17). It is for the future fathers and mothers, to know and understand the other creation of God (species) well, but also to receive the blessing of love, care, concern and attention, the same sex can not provide. A ‘clean’ brother-sister relationship, has many ‘blessings’and things which you can learn from the opposite sex, which you may/will never learn/get from the same sex friend. But absolutely speaking, there has to be a Holy Spirit balance and wisdom in between the friends, in order to experience all God’s blessings He has intended for us to receive from these opposite sex friendship.

“All scripture is God-breathed, and is good and useful for teaching and rebuking and correcting and training in uprightness, so that the people of God may be adequately prepared and equipped for every good work”  (2Tim 3:16-17.) “I praise you God, for you have created me in a very wonderful and fearful way” (Psalms 139:14.) “God saw all that He made, it was very good…” (Gen 1:31)