Shalom my readers!!!
I am so excited today to
share with all men, what it takes to be a real man!!
This is very important to
all people, women have to know so that somehow somewhere can help but my main
concern is every man!!!
“A real man makes decisions and
lives with the consequences”
To build a great house, you need a strong foundation upon which to assemble all the other pretty things. To build a great man, you also need a solid foundation upon which to add all the other little things that set the real men apart from the stronzos. Let's not piss around, the stuff inside matters most.
To build a great house, you need a strong foundation upon which to assemble all the other pretty things. To build a great man, you also need a solid foundation upon which to add all the other little things that set the real men apart from the stronzos. Let's not piss around, the stuff inside matters most.
Trait No. 1: A real man is strong
A real man doesn't cry, doesn't moan, doesn't
complain, doesn't get sick, and doesn't need to go to the doctor every time he
sneezes. A real man makes decisions and lives with the consequences. A real man
accepts responsibility for his actions and his words. A real man is firm. If
life is a rat, a real man will slap it and move on.
A real man is macho. A real man is tough. A real man doesn't show emotions. A real man is the backbone of his family and doesn't have time to be weak. If spiders scare you, you'll never be a real man.
A real man is macho. A real man is tough. A real man doesn't show emotions. A real man is the backbone of his family and doesn't have time to be weak. If spiders scare you, you'll never be a real man.
Trait No. 2: A real man is focused
A real man knows the
difference between what's important and what isn't. A real man doesn't waste
time on stupidities that don't bring him any profit. Sure, there are things you
can do as a hobby -- I like to shoot ducks -- but it must have a purpose. The
purpose of my hobby is to improve my aim, and I don't have to tell you whether
or not that's a useful thing in my line of work.
A real man focuses on power, money and family. He doesn't focus on sex. Sex comes as a result of having power, money and a wife.
A real man focuses on power, money and family. He doesn't focus on sex. Sex comes as a result of having power, money and a wife.
Trait No. 3: A real man knows the importance
of family
A real man will keep his family strong and pass on
his ancestors' history and traditions. A real man knows that his children are God's
gift and should be treated as such, even if he disciplines them from time to
A real man must also remember his other Family, his organization. In my world, both my family and my Family hold the same importance; I protect them both with all my might. If you have a Family, don't forget where your loyalties lie and who has your back when you need it.
A real man must also remember his other Family, his organization. In my world, both my family and my Family hold the same importance; I protect them both with all my might. If you have a Family, don't forget where your loyalties lie and who has your back when you need it.
Trait No. 4: A real man doesn't gossip
A real man follows omerta; he keeps his mouth shut. He shelters information
and rations his words. A real man does not reveal more than he has to and
doesn't engage in girlie talk about others. A real man doesn't discuss things
he doesn't know about or people he has never met.
Trait No. 5: A real man's word is his bond
When a real man makes a promise, he keeps it. If he can't keep a promise, he
doesn't give his word. A real man would rather die than break his word. A real
man knows that his words are as powerful as his actions, and that they must be
taken at face value. That is why he rations them (see above).
Trait No. 6: A real man strives to be a role

Trait No. 7: A real man makes his own fortune

Trait No.
8: A real man doesn't look like a woman
A real man doesn't have piercings and long
hair, and he doesn't shave his chest. Manicures, however, are acceptable.
Massages from female attendants are also tolerated. A real man knows that,
outside of his barber, all his personal hygiene needs must be taken care of by
a woman.
A real man has at least three suits (with a mandatory pinstriped one) that cost more than a roomful of escorts. A real man wears a suit/Smart at least three times a week. Any man who doesn't know how to tie a tie should hand in his class immediately.
A real man has at least three suits (with a mandatory pinstriped one) that cost more than a roomful of escorts. A real man wears a suit/Smart at least three times a week. Any man who doesn't know how to tie a tie should hand in his class immediately.
Trait No.
9: A real man keeps his house in order
Have you ever been inside the boss’ house? There
ain’t no pizza boxes sitting around, there ain’t no undershirts on the floor,
and there sure as hell ain’t no unpaid bills being used as beer coasters. No
ruler can rule over a territory if he isn’t already the master of his own home.
This means you lazy pinheads out there need to stop using machismo as an excuse to live like a bottom-feeder; keep your sty spotless, keep your documents in order and -- listen up on this one -- clean your freaking suits.
This means you lazy pinheads out there need to stop using machismo as an excuse to live like a bottom-feeder; keep your sty spotless, keep your documents in order and -- listen up on this one -- clean your freaking suits.
Trait No. 10: A real man can defend himself
You know what’s missing in the world today? Leaders who have had to fight their way to the top. No
joking, look at the head of any business that’s circling the toilet bowl, and
I’ll show you a boss whose parents' power and money kept him from ever
learning things the hard way.
Every successful capo has been on the wrong end of a beatdown -- be it with words or be it with a set of A. Testonis. But those future capos got up again and again, until they knew how to stand their ground -- and that, my students, is when you can start to climb the ladder.
Every successful capo has been on the wrong end of a beatdown -- be it with words or be it with a set of A. Testonis. But those future capos got up again and again, until they knew how to stand their ground -- and that, my students, is when you can start to climb the ladder.
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